“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.” Gerald Good

Hence, the point of a gratitude journal! What you focus on expands. When you find gratitude in the “little things,” life/G-d/the Universe, finds more for you to be thankful for! Of course, it doesn’t all need to be written down. This is especially powerful during times you may not feel so grateful. Having a bad day at work? Take a moment to give thanks that you have a job. Your budget is tight? Be thankful for the money that you do receive, and that it (hopefully) covers your basic necessities. Do you have clothes to wear, shelter over your head, and food on the table (and in your pantry & refrigerator)? Be grateful. If you stop to think about, you could come up with a laundry list of items that you’re thankful for. Try a gratitude journal. At the end of the day, write 3 things you were grateful for that day. If you’re in a relationship, include something your partner did, and do that everyday. Watch your relationship flourish. Will you do this simple step towards changing your life?

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