I do word searches during my Miracle Morning, using it as my silence/meditation time. (Eventually, I plan to move on to adult coloring books, once I get them & coloring supplies off of my Wish List.) Recently, I realized that word searches help describe how I am as an employee. It helps if I can see the big picture (the list of words), which allows me to focus on the details needed to complete the big picture (looking for the words within the puzzle). I prefer to focus on one task at a time (searching for words horizontally, then vertically, then diagonally), but don’t mind getting distracted by another task (finding a word vertically while I happen to be looking for horizontal words) because either way, it contributes to the big picture. While the answers are in the back of the book, very rarely, if ever, do I need to look anything up. However, it’s nice to know that they are there, if needed. (I can work & complete tasks on my own, but am OK with asking for help, if needed.) Who would have thought that word searches could explain so much about my personality?

Speaking of personality, I took a Personality Plus quiz yesterday. It’s interesting that my 2 main personalities are opposite of each other, yet it describes me pretty well! Do you know your personality type? Let me know what you are in the comments.

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