I’ve spent this weekend setting up You Need A Budget (YNAB). Budgeting will be a new habit for me! Do you budget? Do you have any budgeting tips? I’m so grateful fellow Coach, Holly MacKenzie, created a YNAB support/accountability group on Facebook. I’ve been told for years that I need to budget. Her group gave me the push to do so. I know that it will help me get my finances under control!

Speaking of finances, I met a Coach today at Beachbody’s quarterly Super Saturday event that was able to significantly change her income in a very short time. I look forward to speaking with her more about how she did that. It’s weird how things worked out for me to go to this event (convenient time & location). It makes me feel like I was supposed to hear her story.

After the event, I drove 2 hours to meet with a potential landlord. I referenced this in my #DarrenDaily post. My friend, Kai, connected us. Fingers crossed that it all works for me to move back down to Palm Beach County by the end of this month! I can’t tell you how badly I want to be back down there.

During my long drives, I listened to a playlist of podcasts. I’ve really come to enjoy doing that. I don’t have to worry about radio commercials, or my CD ending…or listening to that CD on an endless loop. While an obvious disadvantage is that I can’t take notes, I can still be inspired. ❤

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