I’m trying very hard to not berate myself for not blogging yesterday. For it being a new habit, I need to celebrate that I blogged 12 days in a row! Now, I’ll go for a longer streak.

It reminds me of people starting their fitness journeys. (I will not say “diet,” because it’s a lifestyle change. It is literally a journey you’ll be on for the rest of your life!) Very often, they start with the best of intentions, and do really well for the first few days. Then, some type of slip up happens. They either skip a workout, or they end up caving and eating (insert favorite junk food). Instead of pulling a YOU-turn, and getting back on that healthy path, they let that slip up totally derail them. They berate themselves, say that they just can’t do it, and they quit.

If that sounds like you, PLEASE stop doing that! You started your fitness journey for a reason. Think about WHY you started. Don’t say that it’s to lose X amount of pounds. What does losing that weight mean to you? Does it mean less health issues? Being around for your loved ones? Chasing after your kids/grandkids? Feeling better all around? If you quit, where does that get you? Absolutely NOWHERE! Remember, you’re striving for progress, not perfection. Celebrate the victories. When you stumble – and, we ALL stumble – pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back on track.

If you’d like any guidance on your fitness journey, I am here to help you. I meant it when I say that your success is my goal! I cannot get fit for you, but I can be there for you every step along the way. Feel free to email me at, or contact me through my website.


If there is any 1 person who has impacted life, it is Shaun T! Besides being an AMAZEBALLS trainer, he is one of the most inspiring, motivational people I know. Whatever podcast service you use, I highly recommend subscribing to Trust & Believe, as well as his old podcast, Define Your Life.

On this week’s episode, he talks with Laura D. Her energy is contagious, her story is amazing, and she has some of the best quotes ever! She’ll make you want to try couch surfing, laugh, and deepen your faith. Listen, and tell me a takeaway!

me & shaun t


Practically every year, I get to root for the SEC in the NCAA Football Championship game. I’m a huge football fan! For college, I root for the Gators (and my alma mater, FAU), which means I root for the SEC. In honor of Alabama’s game tonight, I chose to show my SEC spirit.

I’m about to go walk with a friend in 46* F. That’s COLD for a Floridian; however, I’m grateful that there’s no snow, nor negative wind chill factors! I chose years ago to stop complaining about the weather, since I have no control over it. Yes, I have moments of, “This SUCKS!” but there’s always a silver lining to be found somewhere.



I honestly don’t know what to say about this photo. I’m speechless right now. My heart is filled with such love & gratitude. It is an HONOR to be chosen as the ‪#‎TeamFitAndFunky‬ MVP!

That VALUE that I provide is exactly what YOU would receive when you join my team! Fill out this form, so that we can get you started in joining THE BEST TEAM EVER!!!


I do word searches during my Miracle Morning, using it as my silence/meditation time. (Eventually, I plan to move on to adult coloring books, once I get them & coloring supplies off of my Wish List.) Recently, I realized that word searches help describe how I am as an employee. It helps if I can see the big picture (the list of words), which allows me to focus on the details needed to complete the big picture (looking for the words within the puzzle). I prefer to focus on one task at a time (searching for words horizontally, then vertically, then diagonally), but don’t mind getting distracted by another task (finding a word vertically while I happen to be looking for horizontal words) because either way, it contributes to the big picture. While the answers are in the back of the book, very rarely, if ever, do I need to look anything up. However, it’s nice to know that they are there, if needed. (I can work & complete tasks on my own, but am OK with asking for help, if needed.) Who would have thought that word searches could explain so much about my personality?

Speaking of personality, I took a Personality Plus quiz yesterday. It’s interesting that my 2 main personalities are opposite of each other, yet it describes me pretty well! Do you know your personality type? Let me know what you are in the comments.


I’ve spent this weekend setting up You Need A Budget (YNAB). Budgeting will be a new habit for me! Do you budget? Do you have any budgeting tips? I’m so grateful fellow Coach, Holly MacKenzie, created a YNAB support/accountability group on Facebook. I’ve been told for years that I need to budget. Her group gave me the push to do so. I know that it will help me get my finances under control!

Speaking of finances, I met a Coach today at Beachbody’s quarterly Super Saturday event that was able to significantly change her income in a very short time. I look forward to speaking with her more about how she did that. It’s weird how things worked out for me to go to this event (convenient time & location). It makes me feel like I was supposed to hear her story.

After the event, I drove 2 hours to meet with a potential landlord. I referenced this in my #DarrenDaily post. My friend, Kai, connected us. Fingers crossed that it all works for me to move back down to Palm Beach County by the end of this month! I can’t tell you how badly I want to be back down there.

During my long drives, I listened to a playlist of podcasts. I’ve really come to enjoy doing that. I don’t have to worry about radio commercials, or my CD ending…or listening to that CD on an endless loop. While an obvious disadvantage is that I can’t take notes, I can still be inspired. ❤


I’ve got a confession. Only 8 days into 2016, and this journal hasn’t necessarily been part of my Miracle Morning routine. I’m obviously still journaling. I even keep the tab open as a reminder to do so. However, I strive for progress, not perfection. The fact that I’m 8/8 on blogging is a miracle in & of itself!


I’m so grateful to have Darren Hardy as a mentor, through DarrenDaily. The lessons he teaches either reaffirm that I’m on the right path, or they come right when I need guidance.




Reason #7824 that I love Shakeology: I get to have a decadent dessert for breakfast, yet it’s my healthiest meal of the day! What’s not to love about that?

This isn’t me just trying to sell you some shake! I wouldn’t be drinking it for 4+ years, and committing to be a ‪#‎365er‬, if I didn’t love it. It’s kept me healthy, helped me maintain my weight, and has done wonders for my nails. It’s also clinically proven to help lower cholesterol & blood sugar. It’s low on the glycemic index, so it’s safe for diabetics. I could go on and on about how awesome it is! I won’t, though. I want you to find out for yourself why Shakeology is such a life changer & will be something you drink for a lifetime. Email for more info.



A little fact about me: Golden Retrievers are my all-time favorite dog. They never fail to bring a smile to my face, and I look forward to the day I can own one of my own. In the meantime, about 1.5 years ago, I started following Golden Retriever accounts on Instagram. I figured it would be an easy way to add some sunshine into my day. (I’m all about staying positive and finding ways to make me happy.)

That brings me to Jack and Bentley. I don’t remember how I stumbled upon them on Facebook, but I am so grateful I did! On a daily basis, they make me smile & laugh. The stories of them & their crew are so heart warming. I invite you to fall in love with them, just as I have.


My fitness journey began 8 years ago, when I found out that I weighed 183 lbs. I freaked out that I was so close to 200 lbs, and knew that if I didn’t change my habits, that it wouldn’t take me long to get there. I posted my very first accountability photo on Myspace, but documented the whole journey on Facebook, where I continue to post about my journey. Starting off, I just began making healthier food choices & exercised at least 30 min/day. The book, YOU On A Diet, became my guideline as I first started out. Little did I know, that posting about my weight loss would inspire others, and would ultimately lead me to my passion, helping others achieve their health & fitness goals.

I’m grateful for my mom initially bugging me about my weight. During the holidays of 2007, we declared 2008 would be the year I took control of my health. Doing so ended up being one of the best decisions I ever made!